Our innovative containers will help you save money
Patent Number D829543. Buy now from our partner, Spin Products, Incorporated.
A Better Industrial Waste Management Solution
WEDJ Container use reduces the disposal cost per gallon by over 25%.

Save Space
The unique design of WEDJ Containers allows for the storage of more units in a given footprint.

Increase Efficiency
The efficiency of space use for warehouses/trucks/pallets can be increased by over 20%.

Lower Cost
Time and space savings from using WEDJ will result in lower operating costs.

Store twice the amount in the same space
Great for product packaging, shipping,
ware-housing, waste management, retail display,
pre-packaged materials, and space-saving.
(800) 975–7536
WEDJ Brand Nestable Containers
This insight led to WEDJ, a patented triangle-shaped container that is part of a unique packaging system. WEDJ lowers operating costs by letting companies store twice the amount in the same space.

A Solution For Sustainability

WEDJ is the brand name for our modular packaging solution. Before WEDJ, 5 gallon
plastic containers had either a square or a circular footprint.
The patented triangular shape of the 5 gallon WEDJ Container optimizes the space
available inside of a 55 gallon drum.
Only four 5 gallon units with a square or circular footprint fit inside of a 55 gallon drum.
WEDJ was conceptualized by our founder, a trained chemist who owned a testing lab.
Many labs use test methods from an agency or governing body. Such test methods are
designed to produce more test liquid than you actually need. After testing, the remaining
test liquid becomes industrial waste, which must be properly disposed of to minimize
environmental impact.
Labs accumulate industrial waste in small increments. For decades, there was not an
efficient way to package/store this waste. WEDJ provides a unique and elegant solution
to these problems.
Here are the basic steps for industrial waste management (the current way):
1. Pour tiny amounts of similar waste into a small container.
2. When the small container is full, transfer it to the waste storage area.
3. Regulations for waste storage areas call for secondary containment, which means
placing the small container into a larger bucket or pan to catch material in case of
a spill.
4. The waste management employee will transfer waste from the small container into
a 55 gallon drum. Many times, this waste has hazardous characteristics, so the
employee performing the transfer must, per OSHA regulations, wear personal
protective equipment (PPE; i.e. goggles, respirator, apron, gloves, and boots).

5. Over time, businesses will collect sufficient waste, then they will call a third-party
company to pick up this waste. Many businesses think that they have to get rid of
industrial waste every 90 days. This is not true. The regulations allow for
accumulating waste for 1 year or more! WEDJ allows waste to be stored safely,
during accumulation, in a minimum amount of space.
Here are the basic steps for industrial waste management (the WEDJ way):
1. Pour tiny amounts of similar waste into a WEDJ Container.
2. When the WEDJ Container is full, transfer it to a 55 gallon drum in the waste
storage area.
3. When the drum has 9 WEDJ units of waste, call for a pick-up.
The basic steps for the WEDJ way of industrial waste management are simpler mainly
because the underlying regulatory issues of secondary containment and PPE are no
longer issues.
Businesses will also see a decrease in labor hours for handling industrial waste.
Lastly, because WEDJ Containers allow for storing more material in each 55 gallon drum,
the cost per gallon for disposal is substantially lower. This is because third-party waste
management companies invoice businesses based on the outer container, the 55 gallon
Our research indicates that businesses can save over 25% of their current disposal
Let our technical experts demonstrate to your EHS (environmental, health, and safety)
staff how WEDJ can enhance your operation.
Only four 5 gallon containers with round/square footprints fit into a 55
gallon drum.
25% More Savings
100% Recyclable
Move hazardous waste in smaller units.
Use less labor to manage hazardous waste.
Reduced risk of exposure to hazardous waste.
Less annual shipments of hazardous waste.
Contribute to saving the planet.
Call Us
(800) 975-7536